Lords Oral Question: Summary

On Thursday 16 July 2020, in the House of Lords,  Lord Harris of Haringey asked Her Majesty’s Government in an Oral PQ what progress has been made towards the implementation of the recommendations in the report by the Independent Advisory Panel on Deaths in Custody 'Keep Talking, Stay Safe': A Rapid Review of Prisoners' Experience under COVID-19, published on 1 June 2020. Lord Keen of Elie was present to respond, representing the Ministry of Justice.

You can read and watch response here:
Parliament TV

Follow-up questions posed by Lords included issues around early release scheme, the need for robust and effective alternative to custody and the steps taken to mitigate mental health issues from heightened restricted regimes during COVID-19 lockdown. There was a specific emphasis on responding to mental health needs and the use of community sentence treatment requirements. There was also a focus on government support for our recommendations for keyworkers, Samaritan Listeners and bereavement support and counselling. In responding Lord Keen indicated that the department would welcome further questions on the implementation of the report.